
Bank Danamon Agustus 2011

PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk. didirikan pada 1956. Nama Bank Danamon berasal dari kata “dana moneter” dan pertama kali digunakan pada 1976, ketika perusahaan berubah nama dari Bank Kopra.

Lowongan Kerja Bank Danamon Seluruh Indonesia

Relationship Manager (RM)

Deskripsi Pekerjaan :

Memastikan pencapaian target penjualan
Menambah nasabah privilege
Memberikan saran yang tepat akan produk dan layanan perbankan berdasarkan kebutuhan nasabah privilege
Kualifikasi :

S1 dengan IPK minimal 2,75
Minimal 2 tahun pengalaman dalam bidang marketing produk-produk keuangan
Memahami produk dan layanan Retail Banking
Memiliki keterampilan berkomunikasi yang baik lisan maupun tertulis, dalam bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris
Berorientasi pada target
Komunikatif dan persuasif, mampu memberikan presentasi yang menarik
Memiliki kemampuan analisa yang baik
Personal Banking Officer (PBO)

Deskripsi Pekerjaan :

Memastikan pencapaian target penjualan
Menjaga hubungan baik dengan nasabah
Menambah nasabah baru
Kualifikasi :

S1 dengan IPK minimal 2,75
Fresh graduate
Memahami produk dan layanan Retail Banking
Memiliki keterampilan berkomunikasi yang baik lisan maupun tertulis, dalam bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris
Berorientasi pada target
Komunikatif dan persuasif, mampu memberikan presentasi yang menarik
Sales & Service Officer (SSO)

Deskripsi Pekerjaan :

Memastikan pencapaian target penjualan
Memberikan pelayanan dan jasa kepada nasabah sesuai ketentuan yang berlaku dengan selalu berorientasi kepada pelayanan prima (Service Excellence)
Mengantisipasi terjadinya komplain dengan selalu memberikan pelayanan terbaik sesuai standar dan prosedur yang berlaku
Melengkapi dokumen aplikasi dan yang berkaitan dengan tugas-tugas administrasi

D3 dengan IPK minimal 2,75
Fresh graduate
Menguasai pemakaian komputer minimal MS Word dan MS Excel
Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik, lisan maupun tulisan.
Kirim lamaran lengkap Anda ke :

Region 1 (Area : Jabodetabek & Lampung)
Alamat : Bank Danamon
Jl. Matraman Raya No. 52, JAKARTA TIMUR
Email : arianti.setiadi@danamon.co.id

Region 2 (Area : Jawa Barat)
Alamat : Bank Danamon
Jl. Merdeka No. 40, BANDUNG
Email :devi.kustriani@danamon.co.id

Region 3 (Area : Jawa Timur, NTB, NTT dan Bali)
Alamat : Bank Danamon
Jl. Gubernur Suryo No. 12, SURABAYA
Email : arum.asmoro@danamon.co.id

Region 4 (Area : Sulawesi, Ambon & Papua)
Alamat : Bank Danamon
Jl. A. Yani No. 11, MAKASSAR
Email : rahmiati.sirajuddin@danamon.co.id

Region 5 (Area : Kalimantan)
Alamat : Bank Danamon
Jl. Jend,. Sudirman No. 54, BALIKPAPAN
Email : binarsi.wardhana@danamon.co.id

Region 6 ( Area : Sumatra & Aceh)
Alamat : Bank Danamon
Jl. Diponegoro No. 35, MEDAN
Email : dini.kartika@danamon.co.id

Region 7 ( Area : Jawa Tengah & Yogyakarta)
Alamat : Bank Danamon
Jl. Pemuda No. 175, SEMARANG
Email : angela.adrijani@danamon.co.id

source : saffa

Lowongan Dosen Telkom PDC Jakarta

Telkom PDC Kampus Jakarta Kalimalang adalah lembaga pendidikan tinggi berbasiskan Teknologi Informasi yang focus pada kebutuhan dan keterampilan yang memadai dan dipersyaratkan sebagai professional dalam waktu yang relatif singkat,

Saat ini kami sedang membutuhkan beberapa kandidat untuk posisi:

Dosen (Tetap & Paruh Waktu)

Kualifikasi Umum :

Laki-laki / Perempuan
Minimal Lulusan S-1 di bidang IT / Komputer dari Perguruan Tinggi yang Terakreditasi.
Diutamakan memiliki sertifikat Internasional dari vendor terkemuka (Microsoft / Adobe / Sisco atau yang lain)
Berpengalaman mengajar atau menjadi praktisi di bidang IT, min. 1 tahun.
Memiliki kemampuan mengembangkan modul pembelajaran.
Bisa berbahasa Inggris, minimal pasif.
Memiliki waktu yang fleksibel.
Sales-Marketing Executive


Pria atau wanita , usia maksimal 30 thn.
Minimal Lulusan D3 semua jurusan
Bisa berbahasa Inggris minimal pasif menjadi nilai plus
Bersedia bekerja dalam team maupun pribadi
Berpenampilan menarik dan mempunyai kemampuan verbal yang baik
Mahir mengoperasikan komputer
Kendaraan pribadi
Kirimkan surat lamaran , CV, ijazah, transkrip nilai , dan 2 lembar pasfoto ditujukan kepada:

Telkom PDC Kampus Jakarta Kalimalang
Jl. Raya Kalimalang – Pangkalan Jati
Kompleks Kalimalang Square KS-8,
Jakarta Timur, 13620 Indonesia
Telp : (021) 8636 1125
Fax : (021) 8660 6109

source : saffa


Lowongan Dosen LP3I Jakarta Agustus 2011

Buat yang berminat jadi dosen...


Kami membuka kesempatan bagi para akademisi dan praktisi yang berminat mengembangkan karir dalam bidang pendidikan sebagai dosen di Politeknik LP3I Kampus Kramat – Jakarta Pusat sebagai :

Dosen Jurusan Otomotif

1.Mata kuliah fundamental fisik

Laki-laki / Wanita
Ahli Fisika
Paham mengenai ilmu gaya, tekanan, dll
Memiliki waktu mengajar mulai pukul 08.00 – 11.40
2 .Mata Kuliah AC Mobil

Laki-laki / Wanita
Paham teori AC Mobil ( 20 % )
Praktisi AC Mobil
Memiliki waktu mengajar mulai pukul 17.00 – 20.40
Bagi yang berminat, dapat sesegera mungkin mengirim Surat Lamaran, CV lengkap ( tercantum pasphoto 4 x 6) kepada :


Informasi CPNS Bukittinggi Tahun 2011

Badan Kepegawaian Daerah (BKD) Kota Bukittinggi memastikan tidak melakukan penerimaan CPNS tahun ini. Pasalnya hingga saat ini BKD ditugaskan Kementerian Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara (Kemen PAN & Reformasi Birokrasi) untuk mendata kembali perhitungan kebutuhan riil PNS.

Dari catatan Badan Kepegawaian Daerah (BKD) Bukittinggi, saat ini untuk tenaga guru dan tenaga kesehatan Bukittinggi sudah memadai. Hanya saja tenaga teknis saat ini yang masih kurang secara kualitas.

Sebab saat ini tenaga teknis yang dimiliki kebanyakan perempuan. Sementara tenaga teknis yang dibutuhkan saat ini, tenaga teknis lapangan yang dibutuhkan adalah laki-laki.

Data BKD Bukittinggi, jumlah total PNS sebanyak 3.976 PNS. 1.650 guru dan tenaga teknis 2.184 tenaga kesehatan. Tenaga teknis laki-laki kurang.

“Beberapa waktu lalu, kami telah mengusulkan kebutuhan pegawai sekitar 400 orang. Namun, kami diminta untuk mengajukan surat penghitungan kembali kebutuhan CPNS. Berkas ini akan diserahkan pada akhir September ini,” kata Kepala BKD, Rosmini didampingi Sekretarisnya, Adril Anevi .

Rosmini mengatakan pihaknya menerima saja keputusan dari institusi yang lebih tinggi. “Untuk tenaga guru, dengan sertifikasi sudah berlebih saat ini yaitu 1.650 guru. Sehingga untuk kebutuhan guru teknologi ilmu komputer nantinya bisa diserahkan tugas guru sertifikasi tersebut,” terangnya.

Sekretaris BKD, Adril Anevi menambahkan pembengkakan PNS terjadi pada golongan III A, B, C, dan D. Sementara golongan I untuk pekerja mengantarkan surat atau teknis lebih susah saat ini.

“Banyak jumlah PNS tentunya harus dibandingkan dengan jumlah penduduk. Namun saat ini juga susah untuk menentukannya. Sebab masing-masing eselon harus dilihat melalui kebutuhan stafnya,” ungkap Adril.

Ketua Pansus SOTK, M Nur Idris menyebutkan, saat ini biaya aparatur 58, 60 persen sejak tahun 2010, atau senilai Rp253 miliar lebih belanja aparatur. Dari total APBD Rp433 miliar. Jumlah sebanyak itu menunjukkan tingginya biaya yang harus dikeluarkan daerah untuk pembiayaan aparatur.

“Dengan moratorium ini ada, pemerintah daerah berkesempatan melakukan penataan birokrasi dan menginventarisir aparatur. Yang berlebih di pindahkannya ke posisi yang kurang,” kata Idris. (fd)-padangekspres

Lowongan Kerja PT Wijaya Karya

Bagi yang berminat...silahkan mencoba dan semoga sukses..
Lowongan Kerja BUMN Bulan Agustus 2011 di PT Wijaya Karya

Lead Electrical Engineer

S1 Electrical (reputable university)
Having 3-5 years work experiences in Power Plant Project
Experience in Power Plant is preference
Familiar with Panel, Cable, Tray, Trafo, Ups, etc, Bulk Material
Familiar with related Code & Standard (IEC, ANSI, IEEE, NEC), Equipment Sizing (MCC, SWGR, TRANSFORMER, EDG, UPS, DC System), System Study, Data Sheet
Has experience in design, installation, pre-com/commissioning and start-up electrical equipment for power plant.
Familiar with electrical engineering software such as ETAP
Lead Process Engineer

S1 Chemical Engineering (reputable university)
Min 3-5 years work experiences
Experience in Power Plant Project is preference
Familiar with related Code & Std, Process Description, PFD, PID, Material & Heat Balace, Thermodinamic, Process Control Philosophy, Operating Phylosophi. Preferable understood Precomm & Comm
Has experience in design, installation, pre-commissioning, commissioning and start-up instrumentation & control for power plant.
Lead Instrument Engineer

S1 Electrical / Instrument / Engineering Physics (reputable university)
Min 3-5 years work experiences
Experience in Power Plant Project is preference
Familiar with related Code and std (ISA, API, ASTM, ASME) PLC, DCS, SCADA, Field Instrument, Loop Diagram, Hook Up
Has experience in design, installation, pre-commissioning, commissioning and start-up instrumentation & control for power plant
Senior Electrical Engineer

S1 Electrical (reputable university)
Min 6 years work experiences
Experience in Power Plant is preference
Familiar with electrical engineering code & standard for Power Plant application
Has experience in design, installation, pre-com/commissioning and start-up electrical equipment for power plant.
Familiar with electrical engineering software such as ETAP
Senior Instrument & Control Engineer

S1 Engineering Physics (reputable university)
Min 6 years work experiences
Experience in Power Plant Project is preference
Familiar with Instrument & Control engineering code & standard for Power Plant application
Has experience in design, installation, pre-commissioning, commissioning and start-up instrumentation & control for power plant
Lead Mechanical Engineer

S1 Mechanical (reputable university)
Minimum 5 years experience as Mechanical Engineer of Designing, Maintenance or Construction in power plant project
Advance knowledge in pump and pumping and skill in Hydraulic calculation & thermodynamic
Applied knowledge of mechanic of material and machine elements & Project Management
Basic knowledge of safety environment (LOTO, permit system, lifting, rigging, scaffolding, fire protection, hydrocarbon management, etc)
Basic knowledge of material & welding inspection
Understand well with API, ANSI, ASTM, ASME
Understand well with other design and construction of process facilities modification, upgrade, or new design
Understand well with pipe stress analysis, Caesar & Fluid flow and modeling software
QA / QC Inspector

S1 Electrical / Mechanical (reputable university)
Min 4 years work experiences
Experience in Power Plant Project is preference
Has experience in installation, inspection & test, pre-commissioning, and commissioning for power plant.
Familiar with code and standard for site inspection and test electrical equipments for power plant application.
Familiar with site inspection & test, pre-com/commissioning report procedure

Ready for remote area
Working under pressure
Fluently in English
Microsoft Office / Open Office (Microsoft word, Microsoft excel, Microsoft Project, Microsoft Power Point)
Please send your CV and application to:

job-wika@wika.co.id mentioning the position applied in the subject of the email before 26 Agustus 2011

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for further interview

Lowongan Kerja PT Wijaya Karya Bulan Agustus

Lowongan Pekerjaan Bulan Agustus 2011

Lead Electrical Engineer

  • Male
  • S1 Electrical (reputable university)
  • Having 3-5 years work experiences  in Power Plant Project
  • Experience in Power Plant is preference
  • Familiar with Panel, Cable, Tray, Trafo, Ups, etc, Bulk Material
  • Familiar with related Code & Standard (IEC, ANSI, IEEE, NEC), Equipment Sizing (MCC, SWGR, TRANSFORMER, EDG, UPS, DC System), System Study, Data Sheet
  • Has experience in design, installation, pre-com/commissioning and start-up electrical equipment for power plant.
  • Familiar with electrical engineering software such as ETAP

Lead Process Engineer

  • Male
  • S1 Chemical Engineering (reputable university)
  • Min 3-5 years work experiences
  • Experience in Power Plant Project is preference
  • Familiar with related Code & Std, Process Description, PFD, PID, Material & Heat Balace, Thermodinamic, Process Control Philosophy, Operating Phylosophi. Preferable understood Precomm & Comm
  • Has experience in design, installation, pre-commissioning, commissioning and start-up instrumentation & control for power plant.

Lead Instrument Engineer

  • Male
  • S1 Electrical / Instrument / Engineering Physics (reputable university)
  • Min 3-5 years work experiences
  • Experience in Power Plant Project is preference
  • Familiar with related Code and std (ISA, API, ASTM, ASME) PLC, DCS, SCADA, Field Instrument, Loop Diagram, Hook Up
  • Has experience in design, installation, pre-commissioning, commissioning and start-up instrumentation & control for power plant

Senior Electrical Engineer

  • Male
  • S1 Electrical (reputable university)
  • Min 6 years work experiences
  • Experience in Power Plant is preference
  • Familiar with electrical engineering code & standard for Power Plant application
  • Has experience in design, installation, pre-com/commissioning and start-up electrical equipment for power plant.
  • Familiar with electrical engineering software such as ETAP

Senior Instrument & Control Engineer

  • Male
  • S1 Engineering Physics (reputable university)
  • Min 6 years work experiences
  • Experience in Power Plant Project is preference
  • Familiar with Instrument & Control engineering code & standard for Power Plant application
  • Has experience in design, installation, pre-commissioning, commissioning and start-up instrumentation & control for power plant

Lead Mechanical Engineer

  • Male
  • S1 Mechanical (reputable university)
  • Minimum 5 years experience as Mechanical Engineer of Designing, Maintenance or Construction in power plant project
  • Advance knowledge in pump and pumping and skill in Hydraulic calculation & thermodynamic
  • Applied knowledge of mechanic of material and machine elements & Project Management
  • Basic knowledge of safety environment (LOTO, permit system, lifting, rigging, scaffolding, fire protection, hydrocarbon management, etc)
  • Basic knowledge of material & welding inspection
  • Understand well with API, ANSI, ASTM, ASME
  • Understand well with other design and construction of process facilities modification, upgrade, or new design
  • Understand well with pipe stress analysis, Caesar & Fluid flow and modeling software

QA / QC Inspector

  • Male
  • S1 Electrical / Mechanical (reputable university)
  • Min 4 years work experiences
  • Experience in Power Plant Project is preference
  • Has experience in installation, inspection & test, pre-commissioning, and commissioning for power plant.
  • Familiar with code and standard for site inspection and test electrical equipments for power plant application.
  • Familiar with site inspection & test, pre-com/commissioning report procedure


  • Ready for remote area
  • Working under pressure
  • Fluently in English
  • Microsoft Office / Open Office (Microsoft word, Microsoft excel, Microsoft Project, Microsoft Power Point)

Please send your CV and application to:

job-wika@wika.co.id mentioning the position applied in the subject of the email before 26 Agustus 2011

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for further interview

Pemerintah Membatalkan Moratorium CPNS Tahun 2011 ini

Pemerintah membatalkan melakukan moratorium (menghentikan) penerimaan CPNS (Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil), karena tetap akan menerima CPNS sesuai kebutuhan termasuk para honorer.

Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono dalam pidato pengantar rapat terbatas, di Kantor Presiden, Jakarta, Selasa( 2/8), menyatakan bahwa permasalahan pengangkatan dan perekrutan pegawai negeri yang masih berstatus honorer harus segera diselesaikan, sehingga ada kejelasan status bagi mereka dan tidak menganggu kinerja memberikan pelayanan pada masyarakat.

Rapat terbatas yang membahas bidang politik, hukum dan keamanan itu dihadiri juga Wakil Presiden Boediono dan para menteri terkait.

Presiden menjelaskan pengaturan mengenai pengangkatan pegawai berstatus honorer menjadi pegawai tetap dan juga perekrutan pegawai tidak tetap harus proporsional dan sesuai dengan kebutuhan serta kemampuan anggaran.

Dalam perkembangannya, banyak tenaga honorer baru di banyak daerah. Untuk itu pemerintah berinisiatif mencarikan solusi. "Solusi yang kita mesti ambil, pertama-tama haruslah dihitung secara cermat berapa kebutuhan pegawai negeri ini dalam kegiatan penyelenggaraan negara. Bukan hanya pemerintahan, melainkan juga pada lembaga-lembaga negara yang lain," kata SBY.

Menteri PAN dan Birokrasi Reformasi AE Mangindaan mengatakan, penerimaan CPNS, khususnya honorer bukan bidang administratif karena bidang ini sudah banyak.

"Jadi sekarang ini penerimaan CPNS bidang teknis-teknis yang diperlukan, seperti penyuluh lapangan pertanian, medis penyuluhan kesehatan," papar Mangindaan usai rapat terbatas.

Ia mengatakan moratorium tetap dilaksanakan tapi ada pengecualian yakni penerimaan yang paling lama Tahun 2005. Ia menjelaskan penerimaan CPNS harus disesuaikan dengan anggaran negara.

"Jadi moratorium tidak kaku, ada pengecualiannya. Sekarang kalau tidak ada pengecualian, misalnya, mereka yang lulus STPDN (Sekolah Tinggi Pemerintah Dalam Negeri), STAN (Sekolah Tinggi Akuntansi Negara) kalau mereka tidak diangkat menjadi PNS lalu mau menjadi apa," papar dia

Mangindaan menambahkan dalam penerimaan CPNS yang penting penerimaannya tidak melebih jumlah yang PNS pensiun, harus lebih kecil dari yang pensiun. "Tahun ini PNS yang pensiun jumlahnya 130 ribu seluruh Indonesia," katanya. (johara/dms)-poskota

Government Cancels Year Moratorium CPNS 2011

The government canceled the moratorium (stop) receiving CPNS (Candidate for Civil Servants), because it will still receive CPNS as needed, including the honoree.

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono in a speech to a limited introductory meeting, at the Presidential Office, Jakarta, Tuesday (2 / 8), stating that the problems of hiring and recruitment of civil servants are still honorary status must be resolved immediately, so there is clarity of status for them and not disturb the performance of providing service to the community.

Closed meeting to discuss the political, legal and security was also attended by Vice President Boediono and the ministers concerned.

The president said that arrangements regarding the appointment of temporary employees to permanent employee status and also the recruitment of non-permanent employees should be proportionate and in accordance with the needs and budget capabilities.

During its development, many new honorary workers in many areas. Therefore, the government took the initiative to find solutions. "The solution that we should take, first of all must be carefully calculated how much it needs public servants in the activities of state administration. Not only government but also the institutions of other countries, "said SBY.

Minister of PAN and Bureaucratic Reform AE Mangindaan said revenue CPNS, especially honorary rather than administrative areas because these areas are many.

"So now receiving technical CPNS-technical fields are required, such as agricultural extension workers, medical health education," said Mangindaan after a limited cabinet meeting.

He said the moratorium remain to be implemented but there are exceptions ie the longest reception in 2005. He explained CPNS acceptance must be adapted to the state budget.

"So the moratorium is not rigid, there are exceptions. Now if there are no exceptions, for example, those who graduated STPDN (Government High School of Interior), STAN (State College of Accountancy) if they are not appointed as civil servants and would be fine, "he said

Mangindaan added in receipt of significant revenues CPNS not surpass the number of retired civil servants, should be smaller than the pension. "This year civil servant who retired the number 130 thousand throughout Indonesia," he said. (Johara / DMS)-poskota

Info CPNS Kab Serang, 2011

Hope the general public to follow the recruitment test candidates for Civil Servants (CPNS) this year has vanished. Therefore, the Government of Serang District in Banten Province decided not to accept the general category of civil servants from 2011 and only re-employee will perform data collection in each of the regional work units (SKPD).

"These delays associated with the presence of Minister of Administrative Reform Regulation No. 26 of 2011 on guidelines for the calculation of the number of civil servants the right needs," said Head of the Regional Personnel and Training (BKDD) Rifah Maftuty Serang regency, on Monday (1 / 8).

Rifah Maftuty not know exactly when the CPNS recruitment can be reopened. He only said that his party still had to recalculate the real needs of civil servants, good at being retired, to move the task or because of new labor requirements. "Because of the candy, the automatic this year there was no recruitment of civil servants. Regency will recalculate the real needs of employees. How many employees in each SKPD, "said Rifah.

This delay, said Rifah greatly impact the availability of employees in Serang regency. For the year 2010, there were 250 civil servants who entered retirement and replacement personnel should be sought immediately. "For the time being forced to optimize the existing civil servants and coupled with an increase in their performance," he said again.

Rifah said the number of civil servants in Serang regency until 2011 it recorded 12,000 people with a ratio of one civil servant to serve 70 residents. This amount, he said, was ideal to serve the community. But there are some units work quite difficult to fulfill because of needed professionals, such as a specialist.

"The plan is the authority of this regulation by the central government employees. So these mutations no longer a local authority. I hope if it is implemented, the central government can also distribute an employee of the fat to the lean staff, "he said.

Meanwhile, Member of Commission I DPRD Kabupaten Serang Mohammad claimed to agree with delays Fund (moratorium) of this CPNS recruitment. According to Dana, the government should complete the first honorary appointment in Serang regency that is tens of years of service. "Mending the recruitment stopped first. Just focus first to the hiring fee, "says Dana.

The same can be said members of Hamas Najib Serang Regency. He said, ideally the number of civil servants who have adjusted to the number of civil servants who retire. "In accordance with the qualifications required by local governments. For example, the lack of midwives, or accounting personnel, medical, and physicians, "said Najib. (Fth / awa / JPNN)

Administrative staff vacancies, FKIP-PMAT UNIVERSITAS SANATA DHARMA (Exp : 05 Agustus 2011)

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Mathematics Education Study Program Sanata Dharma University in Yogyakarta need:

1 person Administrative Staff

The requirements are as follows:
1. Indonesia Citizen
2. Minimum high school education / vocational school or the equivalent
3. Maximum 28-year-old
4. Gender: Male
5. Competence, competency as follows:

Mastering computer hardware (at least a basic level)
Master the management of computer software (software applications, as well as performance data)
Mastering the use of multimedia (camera and video)
Mastering the video processing (basic level)
Cover Letters written on the seal, enclose:

Curriculum Vitae
Pas recent photos of size 4 × 6 1 sheet affixed to the lower left corner of the cover letter
legitimate copy of diploma
photocopy of the certificate computer courses
photocopy of valid ID card
photocopy of Birth Certificate
photocopy of the Marriage Act for a married
Statement was never sentenced to imprisonment or confinement by a court decision which already have permanent legal force, because doing a crime, above the seal
Statement never be honorably discharged not on own request or not with respect as the Civil Service, or dismissed employees did not respectfully as Private, above the seal
Cover Letters sent no later than August 5, 2011 and addressed to:

Sanata Dharma
JL. AFFANDI (Gejayan) MRICAN, drum POS 29



Info Penyerahan SK CPNS Selayar Formasi 2010-2011

Sebanyak 217 Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) Kabupaten kepulauan Selayar, formasi 2010, serentak menerima SK pengangkatannya, ditambah delapan orang tormasi 2009 alumni PGSDI.

Pada kesempatan tersebut, dirangkaikan dengan pengambilan sumpah PNS sebanyak 484 orang formasi tahun 2008 dan formasi tahun 2009, termasuk 3 orang sekretaris desa.

Hadir Bupati Kepulauan Selayar, H Syahrir Wahab MM, Wakil Bupati, H Saiful Arif SH dan sejumlah unsur muspida serta para undangan.

Bupati Syahrir Wahab dalam sambutannya mengatakan, sumpah janji yang diucapkan para PNS, pada hakekatnya merupakan merupakan sumpah dan janji untuk mentaati segala kewajiban dan tidak melakukan larangan yang telah ditentukan.

Dijelaskan pada 2010, telah ditetapkan formasi CPNSD sebanyak 234 formasi. Namun yang terisi hanya 223 formasi, karena ada 11 formasi yang tidak ada peminatnya.

Dikatakan selama tahun 2005–2010, Pemerintah Kabupaten Kepulauan Selayar, telah berhasil melakukan penambahan PNS secara signifikan. Hal ini dilakukan, untuk menutupi kekurangan pegawai pada setiap SKPD.

Sementara Kepala BKD Kabupaten Kepulauan Selayar, Drs Basok Lewa mengatakan, peserta Diklat Prajabatan Golongan II & III 2011, adalah CPNSD formasi pelamar umum tahun 2009, yang berjumlah 315 orang. Ref : upeks

Lowongan Staf Administratif FKIP-PMAT UNIVERSITAS SANATA DHARMA (Exp : 05 Agustus 2011)

Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika Universitas Sanata Dharma Yogyakarta membutuhkan:

1 orang Staff Administratif

Adapun persyaratan adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Warga Negara Indonesia
2. Berpendidikan Minimal SMA/SMK atau yang sederajat
3. Berusia maksimal 28 tahun
4. Jenis Kelamin: Pria
5. Memiliki kompetensi-kopetensi sebagai berikut:

Menguasai hardware komputer (sekurang-kurangnya tingkat dasar)
Menguasai pengelolaan software komputer (software aplikasi, maupun data hasil kerja)
Menguasai pemakaian multimedia (kamera dan video)
Menguasai pengolahan video (tingkat dasar)
Surat Lamaran ditulis di atas meterai, dilampiri dengan:

Daftar Riwayat Hidup
Pas Foto terbaru ukuran 4×6 sebanyak 1 lembar ditempel pada sudut kiri bawah surat lamaran
fotokopi sah Ijazah
fotokopi sertifikat kursus komputer
fotokopi KTP yang masih berlaku
fotokopi Akta Kelahiran
fotokopi Akta Perkawinan bagi yang sudah menikah
Surat Pernyataan tidak pernah dihukum penjara atau kurungan berdasarkan keputusan pengadilan yang sudah mempunyai kekuatan hukum tetap, karena melakukan suatu tindak kejahatan, diatas meterai
Surat Pernyataan tidak pernah diberhentikan dengan hormat tidak atas permintaan sendiri atau tidak dengan hormat sebagai Pegawai Negeri Sipil, atau diberhentikan tidak dengan hormat sebagai Pegawai Swasta, diatas meterai
Surat Lamaran dikirim paling lambat 5 Agustus 2011 dan ditujukan kepada:



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