Hope the general public to follow the recruitment test candidates for Civil Servants (CPNS) this year has vanished. Therefore, the Government of Serang District in Banten Province decided not to accept the general category of civil servants from 2011 and only re-employee will perform data collection in each of the regional work units (SKPD).
"These delays associated with the presence of Minister of Administrative Reform Regulation No. 26 of 2011 on guidelines for the calculation of the number of civil servants the right needs," said Head of the Regional Personnel and Training (BKDD) Rifah Maftuty Serang regency, on Monday (1 / 8).
Rifah Maftuty not know exactly when the CPNS recruitment can be reopened. He only said that his party still had to recalculate the real needs of civil servants, good at being retired, to move the task or because of new labor requirements. "Because of the candy, the automatic this year there was no recruitment of civil servants. Regency will recalculate the real needs of employees. How many employees in each SKPD, "said Rifah.
This delay, said Rifah greatly impact the availability of employees in Serang regency. For the year 2010, there were 250 civil servants who entered retirement and replacement personnel should be sought immediately. "For the time being forced to optimize the existing civil servants and coupled with an increase in their performance," he said again.
Rifah said the number of civil servants in Serang regency until 2011 it recorded 12,000 people with a ratio of one civil servant to serve 70 residents. This amount, he said, was ideal to serve the community. But there are some units work quite difficult to fulfill because of needed professionals, such as a specialist.
"The plan is the authority of this regulation by the central government employees. So these mutations no longer a local authority. I hope if it is implemented, the central government can also distribute an employee of the fat to the lean staff, "he said.
Meanwhile, Member of Commission I DPRD Kabupaten Serang Mohammad claimed to agree with delays Fund (moratorium) of this CPNS recruitment. According to Dana, the government should complete the first honorary appointment in Serang regency that is tens of years of service. "Mending the recruitment stopped first. Just focus first to the hiring fee, "says Dana.
The same can be said members of Hamas Najib Serang Regency. He said, ideally the number of civil servants who have adjusted to the number of civil servants who retire. "In accordance with the qualifications required by local governments. For example, the lack of midwives, or accounting personnel, medical, and physicians, "said Najib. (Fth / awa / JPNN)
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